Saturday, June 7, 2008

VolumeTouch 1.1

Volume Touch

VolumeTouch is a freeware replacement utility for the Windows speaker icon usually located in the bottom right of your screen, next to the clock. With VolumeTouch you can adjust the volume instantly from any application without leaving your current work.

Why should anyone use VolumeTouch?

Every day millions of computer users go through a task similar to the following many times:

  1. Move mouse to speaker icon and double click.
  2. Sometimes the volume control opens instantly, sometimes you just have to wait.
  3. Drag volume adjuster to desired position.
  4. Close the volume control.
  5. Say: "What did you just say boss?"
  6. Talk to boss.
  7. Repeat steps 1-4.
  8. Wonder how long it will be until the boss shows up again in your office.

Listening to music while working on the computer should not place you in the middle of an incredibly stupid usability disaster. Use VolumeTouch instead!


1 comment:

A Ok Pc said...

I think this will really come in handy for quickly adjusting the volume settings when in some programs. Thanks.